(full instructions can be found in-game)
Object and basic play:
Cross Locked is a fast, fun and challenging game of strategy.
There are two opposing teams-Red and Blue
The objective is to get the most points by playing tiles marked like a deck of playing cards by
placing them within the 5 X’s on the board.
Points are given for having line and X’s with just your color.
You start with a rack of 15 tiles in a two-player game and 10 tiles in a four-player game
Each turn you draw 3 new tiles and have a choice to play the tiles or if you have too many “bad”
or “worthless” tiles you can use your turn to “swap” for fresh/replacement tiles.
You play offense to complete lines and X’s and defensive to break up the opponents lines and
Once the board is filled the round ends
You play 3 rounds in a game and high score wins.
Placing Scoring Tiles and using Yellow Action tiles:
On each turn you can play onto the game board up to 3 scoring tiles (tiles of your color and
Joker/wild) AND use up to 3 Yellow tiles.
Player moves must be either tiles in sequence (5-6-7) or like kind (5-5-5)
When an X is empty it must start with a play on the CENTER space followed by 1 or 2 more tiles
within that X.
In the large X the center tile cannot be an A-2-K or Joker. In the smaller X’s the center cannot
be a Joker.
Ace’s (A) can be just below the 2 or just above a K.
Joker can be any tile and either color
Yellow Action Tiles:
There are 3 types of action tiles. Replace, Lock and Unlock and Draw 4
Lock and Unlock do exactly that. They are placed on any space of a line of ONE COLOR in
order to stop the other team from breaking up the line or used to UNLOCK a LOCKED line to
allow it to become playable.
Replace up to 1 or 2 allows you to replace an EXACT tile of their color with one of your color
Super Replace allows up to 3 tile replacements AND you can replace a JOKER that is on the
board AND that JOKER get placed into your rack/hand for future use
Draw 4 gives you 4 EXTRA tiles
NOTE: with use of Yellow (action) tiles you can, in one turn, place several more than 3 of your
tiles on the board in one turn.
Scoring points available:
For the quickest and best way to start having fun playing Cross Locked press GAME TIPS on the game board after download!